Friday, February 20, 2015

I'm Just Wild about Saffron

I'm cookin' up some Saffron rice tonight along with  some Perdue brand chicken wings for dinner. I'm just wild about Saffron rice with its beautiful yellow color kind of a mellow yellow. This rice has saffron powder along with turmeric  and paprika. I really love it. Just don't call me "mellow yellow" for liking this rice as that would be"quite wrongly" as that is not one of my "nicknames" that I want to be associated with.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Soundings Seaside Snow Storm Snowmageddon January 28, 2015

Here are a few  photos during and after the "Snowmageddon Snow Storm " of January 28th, 2015 where we received in Dennis Port on Cape Cod almost three feet of snow with up to 6 foot snow drifts from the howling winds that gusted almost up to hurricane strength.Prior to the start of the storm I saw three foxes in the middle of  road near the ocean beaches. I imagine they sensed a big storm coming even though they probably didn't see the "Weather Channel" on television. I said hello to them and they were smart enough to get out of the way of my car not like the stupid deer that ran in front of my car a short while ago.

I stayed overnight at the Soundings resort during the blizzard along with Jake, Jenn, Lynne, Karl and Charles.. Karl got up early the next morning a little after 5:00 am and tackled the snow drifts with the snow blower. Later, a "Bobcat" was used to clear the snow from the Soundings parking lot.

Jake and Jenn made us a "hearty"breakfast of pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

After a relatively mild Winter without not much snow this storm sure was a "wake-up call".